Military Tax Services


Offering tax preparation services for our military and their families

We offer a unique solution to military families by providing them a tax preparation service that can follow them whenever they need to PCS. Our cloud technology allows our clients to submit all of their documents to us via a secured electronic portal. Simply scan and upload your documents when it is tax time. After your tax return is completed, clients sign their returns electronically and we submit the federal and state returns for them.


This means that your taxes are one less thing you need to worry about when it comes time to PCS anywhere in the world. We have military clients that we first met in Fayetteville, who have since moved to other states and other countries that we continue to provide tax services for.

If you lose your tax documents, such as a W2, 1099, etc. and need it, you can access it via the secure electronic file sharing we set up for you.

Other military needs to consider at tax time:

  • Each state has different rules on how they handle military pay

  • Military Spouses Residency Relief Act

  • Bailey Exemption

  • Retroactive VA Benefit Tax Refunds awarded under the Strickland Decision